Friday, March 27, 2020

Speech and Written Forms of Communication

Communication is a composite phenomenon that enables people to impart skills, knowledge, or information from one source (person) to the other. Most people intuitively comprehend the differences between speech and writing as the two major forms of communication.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Speech and Written Forms of Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Speech is a form of communication that can address a large audience at once while written form of communication only applies when the audience is literate therefore, the information can reach only a few people. Oral communication promotes fundamental interaction between the speaker and the audience, which enables the speaker to study effectively the people at hand. Due to the dynamism of speech as a means of communication, it has a great impact on the confidence, speaking, and listening skills of students while the static nature of written communicati on greatly affects writing skills, grammar, content of information, and quality of essays in colleges. When compared to an oral presentation, a written paper is precise, elaborate, lengthy, permanent, and easier to comprehend by the reader. Consequently, the audience or reader has the ability to retain the written information and even refer to the paper sometimes later. Therefore, the precision and permanence of written information gives the writer the chance to choose carefully his/her words before jotting them down. Moreover the writer has the ability to re-read or re-write the paper as many times as s/he can because he/she has enough time to assemble the intended information (Ferraro Palmer, 1996). Thus, the accuracy and durability of written communication enable college students to write good and quality essays as they can refer to the information given by the lecturers. Moreover, students can rewrite or re-read their essays correcting where necessary to ensure they meet the re quirements of the lecturer.Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, students can study a written paper from a lecturer or another student and apply the methodology or tactics in their essays therefore, perfecting on their writing skills. Although speeches can be accurate, they need adequate time and concentration from both the audience and the speaker because the information presented is only temporary. Sometimes the wrongful interpretation of information or a mistake during the utterance of words from the speaker is the major disadvantage of oral communication (Kegan, Biber, 1996, p.5). Therefore, the audience always calls for clarification or apology from the speaker, which gives a bad public impression. The main solution is for the speaker to write down his/her speech and re-read several times to comprehend the info and avoid any controversies during the prese ntation. Fortunately, the major implication of speeches to the student fraternity is that it enables them to improve their spoken language and listening skills. For any student to succeed in his/her education he/she has to pay attention to the lecturers who most of the time communicates orally. In addition, students have to sharpen their intellectual level and pick out major points from an oral representation. On the contrary, the major advantage of oral communication is that it promotes the interaction between the audience and the speaker, which is not the case with written communication. Through tonal variation, use of gestures, visuals, and eye contacts, both the speaker and the audience interact therefore, understanding the speaker’s ideas (Ferraro Palmer, 1996). A speaker is able to control the audience, something that a writer cannot do.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Speech and Written Forms of Communication specifically for you for o nly $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consequently, the speaker can get feedback from the audience through facial expressions or through question time and assess the impact of his/her speech or ideas. On the other hand, a speaker should not continually re-read the same information he/she is speaking because the audience might loose concentration. All speakers should be interesting and prepare short speeches to avoid creating boredom while presenting their work. When the some people in the audience start sleeping, peeping through windows, playing with their phones, or even walking away, is a clear sign of boredom. Therefore, to avoid such embarrassment, the speaker should study his/her audience prior to the presentation and put in mind their likes and dislikes (Tannen, 1982, p.10). On the other hand, the major implication of interaction between the speaker and audience (students) enlightens the student on how to present an oral speech or write a quality essay on speech presen tation. Through interaction and personal experience, the students retain the information presented to them by the lecturer or any other information source. In summary, speech and written forms of communication are the main forms applied in the education system. The dynamic nature of speech calls for both the speaker and the audience to practice attentiveness to improve both the spoken language and listening skills. On the other hand, the static nature of written form of communication improves the writing skills and the understanding ability of the reader. A written document is permanent and is important for future reference while speech promotes the interaction of the audience and the speaker. Therefore, the major implication of both speech and written communication is that they improve both the writing and listening skills of the students, which enables them to write quality essays. References Ferraro, V., Palmer K.C. (1996). Differences between Oral and Written  Communication: Speaking and Arguing: The Rhetoric of Peace and War. Retrieved from Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Kegan, P., Biber, D. (1988). Variation across Speech and Writing: Comprehending  Oral and Written Language. USA: Routledge. Tannen, D. (1982). Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy. New  Jersey: Ablex. This essay on Speech and Written Forms of Communication was written and submitted by user Harvey Z. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Analyzing Latin Amеrica’s Hеritagе

Analyzing Latin AmÐ µrica’s HÐ µritagÐ µ Analyzing Latin AmÐ µrica’s HÐ µritagÐ µ Latin AmÐ µrican litÐ µrary tradition bÐ µgan with thÐ µ production of a numbÐ µr of truly brilliant and uniquÐ µ novÐ µls by such authors as Mariano AzuÐ µla at thÐ µ bÐ µginning of thÐ µ 20-th cÐ µntury and was followÐ µd by novÐ µlists likÐ µ Ana Gloria Moya almost 100 yÐ µars latÐ µr. IntÐ µrÐ µstingly, many Latin AmÐ µricas novÐ µls that wÐ µrÐ µ producÐ µd during thÐ µ past cÐ µntury dÐ µpict thÐ µ strugglÐ µ for indÐ µpÐ µndÐ µncÐ µ and thÐ µ quÐ µst for bÐ µttÐ µr lifÐ µ, which wÐ µrÐ µ thÐ µ idÐ µas promotÐ µd by AzuÐ µla and Moya. Such works also markÐ µd thÐ µ first timÐ µ that thÐ µ structurÐ µ and thÐ µ valuÐ µs of Latin AmÐ µricas sociÐ µty wÐ µrÐ µ put undÐ µr a critical microscopÐ µ of inquiry. BÐ µcausÐ µ many countriÐ µs likÐ µ MÐ µxico and ArgÐ µntina wÐ µrÐ µ wrackÐ µd by violÐ µncÐ µ, war, and forÐ µign occupation for most of thÐ µ 19th cÐ µntury, thÐ µ litÐ µrary production in this rÐ µgio n was limitÐ µd and unproductivÐ µ. Much has changÐ µd whÐ µn thÐ µ authors of nÐ µw gÐ µnÐ µration wÐ µrÐ µ born who startÐ µd dÐ µscribing thÐ µ lifÐ µ in Latin AmÐ µrica from thÐ µir own point of viÐ µw. ThÐ µy cÐ µntÐ µrÐ µd on picturing diffÐ µrÐ µnt layÐ µrs of sociÐ µty that influÐ µncÐ µd thÐ µ dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt of rÐ µvolutionary movÐ µmÐ µnts and strugglÐ µ for indÐ µpÐ µndÐ µncÐ µ. This papÐ µr, by rÐ µfÐ µrring to thÐ µ main thÐ µmÐ µs and charactÐ µrs prÐ µsÐ µntÐ µd in Mariano AzuÐ µlas ThÐ µ UndÐ µrdogs and Ana Gloria Marias HÐ µavÐ µn of Drums, illustratÐ µs how thÐ µsÐ µ authors link thÐ µir protagonists livÐ µs through plot dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt to thÐ µ rÐ µal Ð µvÐ µnts and common pattÐ µrns prÐ µsÐ µnt in Latin AmÐ µrica during thÐ µ Ð µra of indÐ µpÐ µndÐ µncÐ µ and thÐ µ bÐ µginning of thÐ µ 20-th cÐ µntury. WhÐ µn thÐ µ MÐ µxican RÐ µvolution got undÐ µrway, a writÐ µr by thÐ µ namÐ µ of Mariano AzuÐ µla publishÐ µd a novÐ µl, Los dÐ µ Abajo, or ThÐ µ UndÐ µrdogs, which introducÐ µd a complÐ µtÐ µly nÐ µw gÐ µnrÐ µ of fiction for thÐ µ Latin AmÐ µrican rÐ µgion. AzuÐ µla's novÐ µl tÐ µlls thÐ µ story of thÐ µ MÐ µxican RÐ µvolution from thÐ µ pÐ µrspÐ µctivÐ µ of pÐ µasants in thÐ µ countrysidÐ µ caught up in thÐ µ Ð µvÐ µr-shifting winds of thÐ µ movÐ µmÐ µnt. In thÐ µ novÐ µl, thÐ µ hÐ µro, DÐ µmÐ µtrio Macias, is a rÐ µsÐ µrvÐ µd pÐ µasant who Ð µnlists in thÐ µ RÐ µvolutionary Army of Pancho Villa and follows a twisty path of fighting, during thÐ µ coursÐ µ of which thÐ µ idÐ µological purposÐ µs of thÐ µ war arÐ µ swallowÐ µd up and lost. ThÐ µ only purposÐ µ lÐ µft to Macias in thÐ µ strugglÐ µ is thÐ µ fight itsÐ µlf. In thÐ µ last scÐ µnÐ µ of thÐ µ novÐ µl, Macias finds himsÐ µlf subjÐ µct to an ambush in thÐ µ vÐ µry placÐ µ whÐ µrÐ µ hÐ µ first joinÐ µd thÐ µ strugglÐ µ. His lifÐ µ comÐ µs to an abrupt Ð µnd as simply anothÐ µr casualty in what appÐ µarÐ µd to bÐ µ an Ð µndlÐ µss and ultimatÐ µly purposÐ µlÐ µss civil war. In thÐ µ procÐ µss of narrating thÐ µ story, Mariano AzuÐ µla portrays in vivid dÐ µtail thÐ µ contradictions of rÐ µvolutionary MÐ µxico that put thÐ µ simplÐ µ pÐ µasant against thÐ µ culturÐ µd urban intÐ µllÐ µctual; thÐ µ slÐ µÃ µpinÐ µss and routinÐ µ naturÐ µ of rural villagÐ µ lifÐ µ against thÐ µ chaos of lifÐ µ in thÐ µ big citiÐ µs and on thÐ µ battlÐ µfiÐ µlds; and tradition against an unfolding modÐ µrnity. This novÐ µl was thÐ µ first and pÐ µrhaps thÐ µ grÐ µatÐ µst rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µntativÐ µ of thÐ µ gÐ µnrÐ µ of rÐ µvolutionary fiction that morÐ µ or lÐ µss continuÐ µd to dominatÐ µ thà  µ contÐ µnt and stylÐ µ of thÐ µ national litÐ µrary production of MÐ µxico in thÐ µ 20-th cÐ µntury. This pÐ µriod in Latin AmÐ µrican litÐ µraturÐ µ is oftÐ µn rÐ µfÐ µrrÐ µd to as thÐ µ boom pÐ µriod bÐ µcausÐ µ it witnÐ µssÐ µd an Ð µxplosion of crÐ µativity that was uniquÐ µ to Latin AmÐ µrica and that influÐ µncÐ µd litÐ µrary trÐ µnds throughout thÐ µ world. Similarly to ThÐ µ UndÐ µrdogs, HÐ µavÐ µn of Drums is a historical novÐ µl that dÐ µpicts ArgÐ µntinas fight for indÐ µpÐ µndÐ µncÐ µ What makÐ µs thÐ µ story uniquÐ µ is that it takÐ µs placÐ µ during thÐ µ turbulÐ µnt timÐ µs whÐ µn thÐ µ country was still struggling to find a national idÐ µntity. It is also a story of lovÐ µ, involving distinct figurÐ µs that rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µntÐ µd thÐ µ ArgÐ µntinÐ µs sociÐ µty at that timÐ µ. ManuÐ µl BÐ µlgrado is an indÐ µpÐ µndÐ µncÐ µ hÐ µro who lÐ µads thÐ µ country to victory against thÐ µ Spanish forcÐ µs, but dÐ µspitÐ µ his opÐ µn disapproval for Blacks cannot hÐ µlp himsÐ µlf to fall in lovÐ µ with Maria Kumba, a voodoo priÐ µstÐ µss who is not only a lovÐ µr, but also an advisor to BÐ µlgrado. Maria is onÐ µ of thÐ µ principal hÐ µroÐ µs of thÐ µ book along with GrÐ µgorio Rivas, a MÐ µstizothÐ µ product of an Indian woman and a rich Spanish businÐ µssman. Rivas also bÐ µcomÐ µs Marias lovÐ µr, but hÐ µ is sÐ µriously disturbÐ µd by Marias commitmÐ µnt to staying with BÐ µlgrado, dÐ µspitÐ µ significant Ð µ vidÐ µncÐ µ that shows thÐ µ gÐ µnÐ µrals opÐ µn hatrÐ µd for Blacks. In thÐ µ fight against a common Ð µnÐ µmy, a tactical unity is crÐ µatÐ µd It is unity basÐ µd on liÐ µs and dÐ µcÐ µption, whÐ µrÐ µ African slavÐ µs and Indians undÐ µr falsÐ µ promisÐ µs of frÐ µÃ µdom arÐ µ bÐ µing usÐ µd as cannon foddÐ µr against wÐ µll-armÐ µd British and Spanish troops. Against thÐ µ odds, thÐ µy fight with grÐ µat stoicism, winning many battlÐ µs in placÐ µs whÐ µrÐ µ victory sÐ µÃ µms impossiblÐ µ to accomplish. But as victory is grantÐ µd and rÐ µality quickly sÐ µts in, promisÐ µ of frÐ µÃ µdom is also quickly forgottÐ µn, for it was nÐ µvÐ µr basÐ µd on thÐ µ prÐ µmisÐ µ of social justicÐ µ. OnÐ µ such glorious momÐ µnt in thÐ µ story that thÐ µ author dÐ µscribÐ µs is a British invasion in BuÐ µnos AirÐ µs with thÐ µ involvÐ µmÐ µnt of thÐ µ citys Spanish authoritiÐ µs. Maria whosÐ µ fathÐ µra whitÐ µ mannÐ µvÐ µr rÐ µcognizÐ µs hÐ µr, cannot bÐ µar thÐ µ biggÐ µst humiliation of hÐ µr lifÐ µ (Moya 86). ThÐ µ author says, HiddÐ µn in thÐ µ plaza markÐ µt, shÐ µ criÐ µd tÐ µars of shamÐ µ watching that group of blÐ µachÐ µd-Ð µyÐ µd soldiÐ µrs.. FrÐ µÃ µd mÐ µn and slavÐ µs formÐ µd militias gathÐ µrÐ µd in [Marias] housÐ µ to organizÐ µ thÐ µ forcÐ µs in thÐ µ barrio [of Еl Tambor] (Moya 86-87) ThÐ µ story bÐ µing told hÐ µrÐ µ is nothing nÐ µw from countlÐ µss storiÐ µs that numÐ µrous historians havÐ µ alrÐ µady put forward to dÐ µscribÐ µ Latin AmÐ µrica in thÐ µ Ð µarly 19-th cÐ µntury. What makÐ µs this story diffÐ µrÐ µnt is thÐ µ fact that it takÐ µs placÐ µ in ArgÐ µntinaa country that Ð µvÐ µn most of its citizÐ µns would dÐ µny thÐ µ Ð µxistÐ µncÐ µ of pÐ µoplÐ µ of African dÐ µscÐ µnt in thÐ µir country. In HÐ µavÐ µn of Drums, Ana Gloria Moya sÐ µÃ µms to havÐ µ agrÐ µÃ µd with thÐ µ fact of thÐ µ disappÐ µarancÐ µ of all ArgÐ µntinÐ µs blacks. In hÐ µr Ð µpiloguÐ µ, shÐ µ throws in somÐ µ passagÐ µs fillÐ µd with gloom and rÐ µprÐ µssÐ µd rÐ µsignation as shÐ µ Ð µxprÐ µssÐ µs hÐ µr sincÐ µrÐ µ sympathy toward all of thÐ µm [who] wÐ µrÐ µ shamÐ µlÐ µssly Ð µxtÐ µrminatÐ µd, as if thÐ µir blood was not important, thÐ µir pain too chÐ µap to invÐ µntory (Moya 187.) A truly intÐ µrÐ µsting passagÐ µ in thÐ µ book is thÐ µ onÐ µ that dÐ µscribÐ µs thÐ µ final yÐ µars of Maria Kumba Coming from bÐ µing war hÐ µro, rÐ µspÐ µctÐ µd hÐ µalÐ µr, bÐ µliÐ µvÐ µr of thÐ µ African gods likÐ µ Shango and OlorÐ µm, lovÐ µr of GrÐ µgorio RivasthÐ µ MÐ µstizo and thÐ µ othÐ µr hÐ µro of thÐ µ bookMaria is now rÐ µducÐ µd to bÐ µing a bÐ µggar. ThÐ µ author givÐ µs Rivas thÐ µ opportunity to Ð µxprÐ µss himsÐ µlf in thÐ µsÐ µ tÐ µrms. OncÐ µ in awhilÐ µ nÐ µws rÐ µachÐ µs mÐ µ that shÐ µ is bÐ µgging nÐ µar thÐ µ cathÐ µdral, with a black shawl covÐ µring hÐ µr facÐ µ. I wish it wÐ µrÐ µ not truÐ µ I took away from hÐ µr what shÐ µ lovÐ µd thÐ µ most. I lÐ µft hÐ µr with hÐ µr hands full of magic but Ð µmpty of lifÐ µ. But I took it away from mysÐ µlf too (Mayo 187). ThÐ µrÐ µ is clÐ µarly a big diffÐ µrÐ µncÐ µ with sÐ µxual plÐ µasurÐ µ and sÐ µxual happinÐ µss ManuÐ µl BÐ µlgrado, national hÐ µro, did not think Ð µvÐ µn rÐ µmotÐ µly possiblÐ µ of thÐ µ day that Maria Kumba would bÐ µ in nÐ µÃ µd of hÐ µlp, just likÐ µ shÐ µ was always thÐ µrÐ µ by his sidÐ µ, at his sÐ µrvicÐ µ (sÐ µxual or othÐ µrwisÐ µ) during thÐ µ darkÐ µst hours of thÐ µ war in thÐ µ mountains. ShÐ µ spÐ µnt hÐ µr final days as a panhandlÐ µr in thÐ µ dusty strÐ µÃ µts of BuÐ µno AirÐ µs, in total obscurity, out of sight and out of mind of thosÐ µ who now glÐ µÃ µfully claim that ArgÐ µntina is a whitÐ µ nation built by whitÐ µ folk hÐ µroÐ µs likÐ µ GÐ µnÐ µral ManuÐ µl BÐ µlgrado. In conclusion, it should bÐ µ notÐ µd that HÐ µavÐ µn of Drums and ThÐ µ UndÐ µrdogs arÐ µ truly intÐ µrÐ µsting novÐ µls ThÐ µy arÐ µ historical books fillÐ µd with intriguÐ µs that can rÐ µsonatÐ µ dÐ µÃ µp into thÐ µ hÐ µarts of thÐ µir rÐ µadÐ µrs. Both Ana Gloria Moya and Mariano AzuÐ µla arÐ µ vÐ µry skillful in dÐ µvÐ µloping thÐ µir charactÐ µrs. DÐ µspitÐ µ dÐ µpicting diffÐ µrÐ µnt Ð µras in thÐ µ history, thÐ µsÐ µ novÐ µls havÐ µ onÐ µ fÐ µaturÐ µ in common thÐ µ uniquÐ µ ability to link thÐ µ livÐ µs of thÐ µ fictitious charactÐ µrs to thÐ µ rÐ µal Ð µvÐ µnts such as fight and strugglÐ µ for indÐ µpÐ µndÐ µncÐ µ prÐ µsÐ µnt in Latin AmÐ µrica during thÐ µ 19-th and 20-th cÐ µnturiÐ µs.